Song Category: What's New? (All Songs)
# | Title | Page | Makam | Hazzan Name | Commentary | Application | City | Congregation | Roots | Prayer Cycle |
560 | ידי רשים | SRH148 | Hy Genee | Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | |||
552 | עמידה – ראש השנה | SRH162 | Hy Genee | Excerpt (Read More) |
Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | ||
556 | עמידה – ראש השנה | SRH162 | Hy Genee | Full Amidah (Read More) |
Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | ||
292 | נקדישך | SRH163 | Hy Genee | Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | |||
293 | נקדישך | SRH163 | Chaim Kofinas | Excerpt of chanting (Read More) |
Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | ||
553 | נקדישך | SRH163 | Hy Genee | Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | |||
554 | עמידה – אתה קדוש | SRH163 | Hy Genee | Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | |||
555 | אבינו מלכנו | SRH171 | Hy Genee | Melody for final 4 lines (Read More) |
Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | ||
60 | עת שערי רצון | SRH191 | Hy Genee | Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | |||
428 | עת שערי רצון – Et Shaare Rason Ladino | SRH191 | Ushak | Seattle SBH Hazzanim | Et Shaare Rason in Ladino. (Read More) |
Istanbul | Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Seattle) | Sephardic | Rosh Hashanah | |
427 | אם אפס – Im Afes, Faces a El Conoceras | SRH197 | Huseyni | Seattle SBH Hazzanim | Im Afes in Ladino. Sung on Second Day of Rosh… (Read More) |
Istanbul | Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Seattle) | Sephardic | Rosh Hashanah | |
61 | לבריתך | SRH203 | Hy Genee | Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | |||
561 | ה בקול שופר | SRH203 | Hy Genee | Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Rosh Hashanah | |||
76 | קידוש ליום ראש השנה | SRH235 | Frank Varon | Kiddush | Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Seattle) | Sephardic | Rosh Hashanah | |||
283 | 107 מזמור | SSR015 | Ben Sion (Sam) Maimon | Psalm for Pesah (Read More) |
Tekirdag | Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Seattle) | Sephardic | Pesah | ||
284 | 107 מזמור | SSR015 | Sadik Danon | Sarajevo | Sephardic | Pesah | ||||
285 | 107 מזמור | SSR015 | Menashe Kohen | Chalcis | Sephardic | Pesah | ||||
286 | 107 מזמור | SSR015 | Isfahan | Shelomo Aboav | Istanbul | Ets Hayim Ortakoy (Istanbul) | Sephardic | Pesah | ||
508 | ערבית לפסח | SSR016 | Ben Sion (Sam) Maimon | Tekirdag | Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Seattle) | Sephardic | Pesah | |||
507 | ערבית לפסח | SSR016 | Ben Sion (Sam) Maimon | Tekirdag | Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Seattle) | Sephardic | Pesah | |||
308 | 68 מזמור | SSR017 | Shelomo Aboav | Istanbul | Ets Hayim Ortakoy (Istanbul) | Sephardic | Shavuot | |||
399 | 43 מזמור 42, מזמור | SSR019 | Shelomo Aboav | Psalms for Sukkot (Read More) |
Istanbul | Ets Hayim Ortakoy (Istanbul) | Sephardic | Sukkot | ||
410 | מזמור 12 | SSR020 | Shelomo Aboav | Psalm for Shemini Aseret (Read More) |
Istanbul | Ets Hayim Ortakoy (Istanbul) | Sephardic | Shemini Aseret, Simhat Torah | ||
315 | חצי קדיש | SSR021 | Gabriel Negrin | Melody used for Moadim (Read More) |
Athens | Beth Shalom Synagogue (Athens) | Romaniote | Pesah, Shavuot, Sukkot | ||
458 | קדיש – ערבית לשבועות | SSR021 | Rast | Avraham Negrin | Sound Archives of the National Library of Israel Call Number… (Read More) |
Larissa | Sephardic | Shavuot | ||
509 | ראו בנים, השכיבנו | SSR023 | Ben Sion (Sam) Maimon | Tekirdag | Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation (Seattle) | Sephardic | Pesah | |||
319 | ‘אלה מועדי ה | SSR024 | Ajemashiran | Hayim Afya | Istanbul | Shaar Hashamayim (Mexico City) | Sephardic | Pesah, Shavuot, Sukkot | ||
300 | יגדל | SSR034 | Hy Genee | Excerpt (Read More) |
Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Yom Tov | ||
301 | יגדל | SSR034 | Chaim Kofinas | Excerpt (Read More) |
Ioannina | Kehila Kedosha Janina (New York) | Romaniote | Yom Tov | ||
309 | קידוש ליל שבועות | SSR041 | Ajemashiran | Izak Algazi | Izmir | Sephardic | Shavuot |